Tuesday, June 14, 2011

So Much Has Happened.....

Wow I am terrible at blogging. So much has happened in the last month and half. For starters I have moved 2 which I did all in a week and half time period! Way to much moving for me. I moved home for a week and then back to Logan to my new apartment since my contracts didn't over lap right. I like my new apartment but I sure do miss my old roomates. Mainly Chantel,. We grew so close over the last year. That girl knows everything about me and I am the same with her. I am so glad I got the chance to live with her and get to again this fall. I have a countdown til she moves in and I sure can't wait!!! I have been doing some babysitting every once in a while when I have time. I love getting to play with Way and cuddle with him the few days he will let me. It is crazy how much he has grown up. I swear it was just the other day that I was sitting at work waiting for the text to say he was here. And now he is running around everywhere getting into everything. I have also spent a lot of time working. Some weeks I swear thats all I do. But thats good it will help me make my payments on my new car:) I bought my very first car on June 1! I was so excited to buy a new car. I got a pontiac G6 and I love it!! And the best part of the last few months is I have got to spend some time with my favorite boy. I look forward to every weekend that I get to see him. I am the happiest and luckiest girl alive to have him! So there is a quick update for whats been happening these last few months and I will try and be better at keeping this updated from now on.