Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Everything Happens for a Reason!

This past month has been a really trying month for me. For everyone that knows me they know I cry over everything. And I have done a lot of this this last month. It all started on August 22. The day I got sick. I went from having such a great life and having lunch with some of my best friends and the shopping with Josi to doubled over in pain all within hours. I was so scared cause I had never felt like this before. So after dealing with it for as long as I could my mom decided to have me go to the doctor. So my roomate, her mom , and sister took me to the instacare where I was for a few hours til they told me I had to get to the hospital. So Chantel and her family rushed me over to the hospital. We were all so worried this whole time cause we had no idea what was going on. The doctors were all thinking I had appendicitis but wouldn't know til after we did tests. After spending about 5 hours in the E.R. and doing many tests they still couldn't rule out appendicitis. They couldn't see my appendix because of fluid that was covering my appendix. But they knew something was wrong because my white blood cell count was way high compared to a normal count. The only thing we knew for sure was that part of my pain was from a baseball size cyst on my ovary. So the E.R. doctor referred us to a surgeon to do what they called an explatory surgery. The surgeon decided along with us that it would be best to go in and find out what that fluid was. So it was decided I would be having surgery that night. The surgeon still had another surgery before mine so I had another 2 hours to sit and wait and wonder. During that time I had some amazing nurses that took care of me. Especially Sam. She worked with my mom for a few years at the elementary school so it was way nice to see a familar face helping me and she treated me so good. I got lots of texts and phone calls wishing me luck and making sure I was okay. And I had an amazing blessing given to me by Chad (Jordans brother in law) and my dad. I am so grateful they were both worthy to give me one. And I was so glad I got to see Chad Laura and Parker before surgery. It felt like Jordans way of being there since he couldn't be because of work. I am so glad that his family cares so much:) But anyway I went into surgery at 930 that night and was in my room recovering by 1130. I was up and walking around by 1230 and finally got to eat and drink something after not being able to all day. I have the best roomates who brought me stuff to the hospital so my parents didnt have to leave and came to visit for a little while. Thanks Amber and Chantel you guys are the best!!! I also got a visit from Brittney! I was so excited when she told me she was working there that day and could take a break to come see me. It made my day. I felt so good while I was at the hospital and thought that everyone telling me how sore I was going to be wasn't gonna happen to me but boy was I wrong. The day after I got home I was so sore I didn't want to move and it was impossible to sleep. But when I was able to fall asleep I slept forever. I was super bummed this all happened because this was fair week. The one week I look forward to all summer long. So I was determined to go to the fair and that I did. I spent the whole week in a wheel chair but I was able to go! Everyday I was super sore when I got home but it was all worth it. I got to watch all of the stock shows, got to the rodeo, do some shopping, and eat some great fair food! Thanks everyone who pushed me around. But during all this I missed Jordan so much and wished he could be there to help make me feel better when I was feeling super down. But it never worked out so he could come. I thought that was bad but things there just got worse. Me and Jordan decided we were going to take a break. But we are still gonna stay friends and when he gets home from his mission try it all over again:) This couldnt have come at a worse time. Just when I was starting feeling better again I made myself sick again. It has been super rough on me. But I have had a lot of friends, family his and mine, and roomates be there for me. And now being off of the stupid medication that was making me sick and having everyone be there for me during this all I can say I feel better. Over the month when I went through all this I kept asking myself "WHY? Why is all this happening to me right now. I can't handle it." And on of my friends sent me this quote by Marilyn Monroe "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." and now everytime I wonder why I always think this quote. I truly believe everything happens for a reason.... we may not know the reason now but eventually it will all make sense why this has all happened to me. Also another quote that has really helped me that I wanted to post so I will always remember it when I go back and read my blog since I am using it as a journal. This quote has really helped me and I really believe its true "If god brings you to it, he will bring you through it." Hopefully I will have much happier things to talk about in my next post now.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I really do suck at this Blogging thing!

I love reading other peoples blogs but when it comes to keeping my own updated I have a hard time. So much has happened since the last time I did though! I have been working lots and playing some. But have not taken any pictures of most of it. I had some roommates that were a little more on the odd side this summer but luckily made it through the summer without having major confrontations only a few. I got to go camping with my family on the 4th of July and got to bring Jordan along with me. I love seeing how well he gets along with my family and spend time with them. My dad, Jordan and I and some of my dads friends went and played in an all night softball tournament.... Which we got our butts kicked in. But we sure had the most fun sober. I was really not looking forward to fair this summer because I was going to have to work the whole time but I didnt! Which in a way wasn't a good thing but i enjoyed being able to go and soak in my favorite week of summer. I was able to go because I had emergency surgery the Monday before. Thats a whole store in itself. So i did have to spent the fair in a wheel chair but I did enjoy just sitting and watching all the show and rodeo. So much is going on in my life it is crazy. Somedays I just want to give up but I keep pushing forward. I can't wait to see where my life takes me and to start school again soon!! I hope that I can start keeping up on this blog better and have something more interesting to talk about soon.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

So Much Has Happened.....

Wow I am terrible at blogging. So much has happened in the last month and half. For starters I have moved 2 which I did all in a week and half time period! Way to much moving for me. I moved home for a week and then back to Logan to my new apartment since my contracts didn't over lap right. I like my new apartment but I sure do miss my old roomates. Mainly Chantel,. We grew so close over the last year. That girl knows everything about me and I am the same with her. I am so glad I got the chance to live with her and get to again this fall. I have a countdown til she moves in and I sure can't wait!!! I have been doing some babysitting every once in a while when I have time. I love getting to play with Way and cuddle with him the few days he will let me. It is crazy how much he has grown up. I swear it was just the other day that I was sitting at work waiting for the text to say he was here. And now he is running around everywhere getting into everything. I have also spent a lot of time working. Some weeks I swear thats all I do. But thats good it will help me make my payments on my new car:) I bought my very first car on June 1! I was so excited to buy a new car. I got a pontiac G6 and I love it!! And the best part of the last few months is I have got to spend some time with my favorite boy. I look forward to every weekend that I get to see him. I am the happiest and luckiest girl alive to have him! So there is a quick update for whats been happening these last few months and I will try and be better at keeping this updated from now on.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Birthday!!

This weekend was a great one and very eventful. I got the weekend off and got to go see Jordan for his Birthday. Not only was it my favorite boys birthday on the 25 but it was also my little sisters birthday and Easter the 24. I wasn't going to be around for my sisters birthday so I stopped by and gave her her present. And then I was on my way to Ephraim. A year and half ago I never would have imagined I would ever be so excited to go to Ephraim and visit, but I always look forward to it! I got to have lunch with my old roomates, ride around in the golf cart while Jordan golfed (what a good girlfriend I am huh), went on dates to the movies, went bowling, and got to spend the whole weekend doing this with my favorite boy:) Happy Birthday yesterday Makel, and Happy Birthday today Jordan! I love you both!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My not so little cousin.

This past weekend my younger cousin Tricia got married. I can't believe she is really old enough to be married. I know, she is not much younger than I am but it sure seems like just yesterday we were both little playing down stairs at grandmas (in the closet that now is to small for all the grandchildren) jumping on the tramp, or just playing house. I can't believe we are both grown up now she was such a gorgeous bride. I didn't get a picture of her and her hubby but we got one of all the cousins who went to the temple.

Congrats Tricia and Dallin!!!

O and just because I don't want to make a whole new post for this and most people wouldn't want to read it so I will just make it short and sweet. Jordan and I have been dating for 1 year!! :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

How time flies!!

I am amazed today how time flies! It has been one year ago today since I went on thee BEST date, with thee BEST guy, who is now my BEST friend. I really can't believe it has been a full year. It has really been the best year of my life. That day was the start of me falling in love with a few different things..... Jordan and rock climbing. I love to go climbing with Jordan now. Which really surprised me. Anyone who knows me knows I am deathly afraid of heights. But I have never been scared of the heights except one time. But it really has been a great year! We have had so many great times together and I look forward to the many more to come. This is my favorite picture of us and it happens to be from our first date and our first picture together:) I <3 Jordan!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I give up on the 30 day challenge. I know I didn't last very long. But I either don't the time time or ambition to do it everyday. So I am just going to post when I can or I have something to really talk about....and today I do. Today I got to go to the State FFA Convention to support on of my good friends from high school He was running for state officer and sadly he did not win but he did good and still is amazing in my book:) And he got to take this amazing picture with two pretty girls so in my opinion he was the luckiest boy today;)

<3 ya Rell Thanks for being such a great friend!! And you too Josi!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

daY 4 to 9

So I am really slacking on keeping this 30 da challenge up so bear with me today's post is going to be a big on catching up.

Day 4.....A picture of your favorite memory

There are so many pictures and fun times that I couldn't pick just one so I just went with the emblem of the FFA. Those were seriously the best years of my life so far. I did so many things with this organization like road trips all over the state of Utah, 3 trips to Indianapolis Indiana ( while there went to Ohio Kentucky and Illinois), Donkey Basketball, met life long friends, and I fullfilled many accomplishments. This is were most of my best memories took place was in the FFA.

Day 5.... A picture of your night

I went to work at this place for a few hours.

I went to this place to see.....

My Favorite Boy!

Day 6... A picture of a person you would like to trade places with for a day.

Norma Strait...... Most people would have no idea who she is and to tell you the truth I didn't know her name til just barely. But this would be George Straits wife. I would love to switch lives with her just so I could spend time with George. He is someone I would really like to get to know. He is an amazing man and good looking for his age:)

Day 7... A picture of something you hate

Well there are a few things that I hate but the one that is on my mind because I was talking about it with Jordan this weekend is TUNA!! I hate that stuff... it literally makes me gag at the smell and taste of it.

Day 8... Something you love

Chocolate Covered peeps!! If you want to win my heart over here is the way how! I have told Jordan many times if he ever needs to make something to do it with its Chocolate Covered Peeps... and I am not kidding I live for these things!!

And finally Day 9.... A picture of something you want to do before you die

For most of you who know me you know I love to shop so it only makes sense that I really want to go to the Mall of America. I have been so close ( like within 5 miles of it) and have not yet been able to go..... but I will its just the matter of when.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

DaY 3

A current picture and 15 facts about you....

This is as current of a picture as I have. My hair is quiet a bit darker now. But anyway my 15 facts.....
1. My full name is Jamie Lyn Oyler
2. I love the color orange
3. I have a great family! I love them all
4. I have the best boyfriend ever!! I sure do love him
5. I have only broke my bone in my body.... my femur
6. I have the best friends
7. I am pretty sure I am addicted to buying shoes and socks. If i find a cute pair and I don't have them already I will buy them.
8. Once upon a time I was hopelessly addicted to Mt. Dew and I mean I was drinking 3 or 4 of the largest fountain cups of them a day if not more..... But I just quit cold turkey and haven't had one since July 4.
9. If you want to win my heart over just buy me chocolate covered peeps... I am a sucker for them. or even just plain peeps.
10. If I could go anywhere in the world it would be a toss up between Australia or the Mall of America.
11. I love going camping with my family to our property in Lava even though most people dont consider it camping..... its just luxury camping and I love it that way!
12. I hopefully will have my degree in Elementary Education in 2 1/2 years from now:) I will be so glad to be done with it.
13. I will always try new things... and usually end up liking most.
14. I have never ever saw any ocean.
15. I have never had surgery unless you consider getting wisdom teeth out surgery.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

dAy #2

My favorite movie....
There is no way I can pick just one movie for this. So I had to pick three. The first one is the movie that has been my favorite my whole life. And when I say my whole life it really has been ever since I was a baby.... I still love this show today. I am so excited for the Little Mermaid play at Tuscon. My mom and I have decided we wanted to go and there is no getting out of this one. I am to excited. So I am going even if I end up having to go alone.

The next movie is one that I have liked since I was a a teenager when it came out. It was my most recently released favorite movie until I saw my third favorite movie. But I still love it and I cry every time I watch it. Its the movie I watch when I need a good cry.....

And the lastly and my most recently released favorite movie. I wanted to see this show so bad when I saw the previews. It looked like a good action packed movie. And it was. Everytime a preview came on I would tell Jordan how I wanted to see it way bad hoping he would get the hint that I wanted to go see it with him. And he did. We even went and saw it more than once in the theater. I loved this movie more and more everytime. It is way good (which it has to be for me to watch it in the theater more than once). I would highly recommend it.....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

dAy 1

My Favorite song.....
this is a hard one. But I would have to go with "Then" by Brad Paisley. Mainly because I love Brad Paisley. He is probably one of my all time favorite artists. And he is amazing in concert! I was lucky enough to get to go with two of my best friends to his concert this summer and I loved every minute of it. I mean look at this man. He is gorgeous!!! He has been my celebrity crush ever since I was little and will forever be it.

And not to mention that he played "Then" in the concert. I really seriously could have started crying when he started playing it. The words to it are amazing!

I remember, tryin not to stare the night
That I first met you
You had me mesmerized,
And three weeks weeks later in the front porch light,
taking 45 minutes just to kiss goodnight
I hadn't told you
That I loved you then,

And now you're my whole life
And now you're my whole world
And I just can't believe
The way I feel about you girl
Like a river needs the sea
Stronger than its ever been
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then

I remember takin' you back to right
Where I first met you,
You were so surprised
There were people around, but I didn't care,
I got down on one knee right there
and once again
I thought I loved you then

And now you're my whole life
And now you're my whole world
And I just cant believe
The way I feel about you girl
Like a river needs the sea
Stronger than its ever been
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then

I can just see you
With a baby on the way
I can just see you
When your hair is turning gray
What I cant see is how I'm ever gonna love you more
But I've said that before

Now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just cant believe the way I feel about you girl
We'll look back someday at this moment we're in
And I'll look at you and say
And I thought I loved you then
And I thought I loved you then

I love it. And another part that I love about this song is it reminds me of my favorite boy. Every time I hear it on the radio or as the ringtone when he calls me it puts a smile on my face. Its a song that I can play on days that I miss him that makes everything seem okay. I LOVE IT!!! And not to get all cheesy but it really is our life story..... well the first verse is and i sure hope that we can make the last two parts of it our life story too. So there ya go. Thats my favorite song of the time and the reasoning behind it.

The 30-day Challenge

So I am terrible at remembering to blog about new things that happen. I have so much spare time that I can but I just don't want to ramble on about useless stuff all the time. I am sure there aren't many of you who read this blog so I think that it really is more for me. I use it as more of my journal and now I am going to use it to get to know myself more and document the things that are some of my favorites or recent things with the 30-day challenge. And for any of you who read it for you to get to know me better. Let the challenge begin.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Utah State Basketball

O how I love going to Utah State Basketball games. There is nothing better than being in the Spectrum cheering on your favorite college basketball team! It was such a fun night to watch them beat Nevada.
O boy was it freezing waiting to go in though.

One more down

Wow I can't believe that I really am old enough to have friends married and not to mention with kids. January 29 another one of my best friends from high school got married. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Nessen. They are such a cute couple as you can tell from the picture.

O the memories that Bailey Josi and I had together. She moved here our junior year... and lets just say we were the opposite of friends.... but some how and thankfully we became way good friends. We have had many good times together and I sure am glad we have. My all time favorite memory with Bailey probably isn't her favorite memory but it sure is mine and Josi's. To make it a short story Bailey broke the sliding door at the Logan mall, all because she is so gullible and did anything we told her. (Yes, Bailey the cops are still looking for you.) Here are some pictures of the good times we have had together.
Kristi's wedding

Brad Paisley concert.

and us with the beautiful bride!
and here are the 3 of us that our left from the group of girls i hung out with that aren't married yet. <3 them.

Now on to the part of friends having babies. Britt had her baby!!! He is such a cutie. Josi and I got to go see cute little Parker Irwin the same day Bailey got married. Sadly I got no picture but trust me he sure is a cutie. After a friend getting married and seeing anothers baby it sure made us feel old. Congrats to all though:)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lets Try This again!

Just for you Josi I am working on starting and actually using my blog again... I didn't last to long last time... Like two posts. So here is another shot. I hope it works out this time because I sure do love blogs. They are such a fun way to keep caught up with people. So much has happened since the last time i blogged so here is a quick catch up.

Well I finished 1 year at this amazing place!

While I was there I had a blast with my amazing roomates and made many life long friends!

Also while I was there I met this amazing boy!

And we have been together ever since and had so many fun times together. I sure do love this boy

Also two of my best friends have got married with one more on the way.

I moved to an apartment with this amazing view with some amazing roomates!!

I have realized that i have the bestest boyfriend ever!! Well I knew that I did from the start but he never ceases to remind me of it everyday by the cute little texts and things he does for me.....

He got me the best birthday present I love it! A cow bowling ball and the cutest shoes and bag so I can go bowling with him all the time.

And he left me the cutest thing on my car the other day while I was at work.
To show just a few of them:)

Overall I think I have had a great time since the last time I updated my blog... Now I hope to be able to keep up on my blog now that I have got all caught up:)