Saturday, March 12, 2011


I give up on the 30 day challenge. I know I didn't last very long. But I either don't the time time or ambition to do it everyday. So I am just going to post when I can or I have something to really talk about....and today I do. Today I got to go to the State FFA Convention to support on of my good friends from high school He was running for state officer and sadly he did not win but he did good and still is amazing in my book:) And he got to take this amazing picture with two pretty girls so in my opinion he was the luckiest boy today;)

<3 ya Rell Thanks for being such a great friend!! And you too Josi!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

daY 4 to 9

So I am really slacking on keeping this 30 da challenge up so bear with me today's post is going to be a big on catching up.

Day 4.....A picture of your favorite memory

There are so many pictures and fun times that I couldn't pick just one so I just went with the emblem of the FFA. Those were seriously the best years of my life so far. I did so many things with this organization like road trips all over the state of Utah, 3 trips to Indianapolis Indiana ( while there went to Ohio Kentucky and Illinois), Donkey Basketball, met life long friends, and I fullfilled many accomplishments. This is were most of my best memories took place was in the FFA.

Day 5.... A picture of your night

I went to work at this place for a few hours.

I went to this place to see.....

My Favorite Boy!

Day 6... A picture of a person you would like to trade places with for a day.

Norma Strait...... Most people would have no idea who she is and to tell you the truth I didn't know her name til just barely. But this would be George Straits wife. I would love to switch lives with her just so I could spend time with George. He is someone I would really like to get to know. He is an amazing man and good looking for his age:)

Day 7... A picture of something you hate

Well there are a few things that I hate but the one that is on my mind because I was talking about it with Jordan this weekend is TUNA!! I hate that stuff... it literally makes me gag at the smell and taste of it.

Day 8... Something you love

Chocolate Covered peeps!! If you want to win my heart over here is the way how! I have told Jordan many times if he ever needs to make something to do it with its Chocolate Covered Peeps... and I am not kidding I live for these things!!

And finally Day 9.... A picture of something you want to do before you die

For most of you who know me you know I love to shop so it only makes sense that I really want to go to the Mall of America. I have been so close ( like within 5 miles of it) and have not yet been able to go..... but I will its just the matter of when.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

DaY 3

A current picture and 15 facts about you....

This is as current of a picture as I have. My hair is quiet a bit darker now. But anyway my 15 facts.....
1. My full name is Jamie Lyn Oyler
2. I love the color orange
3. I have a great family! I love them all
4. I have the best boyfriend ever!! I sure do love him
5. I have only broke my bone in my body.... my femur
6. I have the best friends
7. I am pretty sure I am addicted to buying shoes and socks. If i find a cute pair and I don't have them already I will buy them.
8. Once upon a time I was hopelessly addicted to Mt. Dew and I mean I was drinking 3 or 4 of the largest fountain cups of them a day if not more..... But I just quit cold turkey and haven't had one since July 4.
9. If you want to win my heart over just buy me chocolate covered peeps... I am a sucker for them. or even just plain peeps.
10. If I could go anywhere in the world it would be a toss up between Australia or the Mall of America.
11. I love going camping with my family to our property in Lava even though most people dont consider it camping..... its just luxury camping and I love it that way!
12. I hopefully will have my degree in Elementary Education in 2 1/2 years from now:) I will be so glad to be done with it.
13. I will always try new things... and usually end up liking most.
14. I have never ever saw any ocean.
15. I have never had surgery unless you consider getting wisdom teeth out surgery.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

dAy #2

My favorite movie....
There is no way I can pick just one movie for this. So I had to pick three. The first one is the movie that has been my favorite my whole life. And when I say my whole life it really has been ever since I was a baby.... I still love this show today. I am so excited for the Little Mermaid play at Tuscon. My mom and I have decided we wanted to go and there is no getting out of this one. I am to excited. So I am going even if I end up having to go alone.

The next movie is one that I have liked since I was a a teenager when it came out. It was my most recently released favorite movie until I saw my third favorite movie. But I still love it and I cry every time I watch it. Its the movie I watch when I need a good cry.....

And the lastly and my most recently released favorite movie. I wanted to see this show so bad when I saw the previews. It looked like a good action packed movie. And it was. Everytime a preview came on I would tell Jordan how I wanted to see it way bad hoping he would get the hint that I wanted to go see it with him. And he did. We even went and saw it more than once in the theater. I loved this movie more and more everytime. It is way good (which it has to be for me to watch it in the theater more than once). I would highly recommend it.....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

dAy 1

My Favorite song.....
this is a hard one. But I would have to go with "Then" by Brad Paisley. Mainly because I love Brad Paisley. He is probably one of my all time favorite artists. And he is amazing in concert! I was lucky enough to get to go with two of my best friends to his concert this summer and I loved every minute of it. I mean look at this man. He is gorgeous!!! He has been my celebrity crush ever since I was little and will forever be it.

And not to mention that he played "Then" in the concert. I really seriously could have started crying when he started playing it. The words to it are amazing!

I remember, tryin not to stare the night
That I first met you
You had me mesmerized,
And three weeks weeks later in the front porch light,
taking 45 minutes just to kiss goodnight
I hadn't told you
That I loved you then,

And now you're my whole life
And now you're my whole world
And I just can't believe
The way I feel about you girl
Like a river needs the sea
Stronger than its ever been
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then

I remember takin' you back to right
Where I first met you,
You were so surprised
There were people around, but I didn't care,
I got down on one knee right there
and once again
I thought I loved you then

And now you're my whole life
And now you're my whole world
And I just cant believe
The way I feel about you girl
Like a river needs the sea
Stronger than its ever been
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then

I can just see you
With a baby on the way
I can just see you
When your hair is turning gray
What I cant see is how I'm ever gonna love you more
But I've said that before

Now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just cant believe the way I feel about you girl
We'll look back someday at this moment we're in
And I'll look at you and say
And I thought I loved you then
And I thought I loved you then

I love it. And another part that I love about this song is it reminds me of my favorite boy. Every time I hear it on the radio or as the ringtone when he calls me it puts a smile on my face. Its a song that I can play on days that I miss him that makes everything seem okay. I LOVE IT!!! And not to get all cheesy but it really is our life story..... well the first verse is and i sure hope that we can make the last two parts of it our life story too. So there ya go. Thats my favorite song of the time and the reasoning behind it.

The 30-day Challenge

So I am terrible at remembering to blog about new things that happen. I have so much spare time that I can but I just don't want to ramble on about useless stuff all the time. I am sure there aren't many of you who read this blog so I think that it really is more for me. I use it as more of my journal and now I am going to use it to get to know myself more and document the things that are some of my favorites or recent things with the 30-day challenge. And for any of you who read it for you to get to know me better. Let the challenge begin.