Thursday, March 3, 2011

DaY 3

A current picture and 15 facts about you....

This is as current of a picture as I have. My hair is quiet a bit darker now. But anyway my 15 facts.....
1. My full name is Jamie Lyn Oyler
2. I love the color orange
3. I have a great family! I love them all
4. I have the best boyfriend ever!! I sure do love him
5. I have only broke my bone in my body.... my femur
6. I have the best friends
7. I am pretty sure I am addicted to buying shoes and socks. If i find a cute pair and I don't have them already I will buy them.
8. Once upon a time I was hopelessly addicted to Mt. Dew and I mean I was drinking 3 or 4 of the largest fountain cups of them a day if not more..... But I just quit cold turkey and haven't had one since July 4.
9. If you want to win my heart over just buy me chocolate covered peeps... I am a sucker for them. or even just plain peeps.
10. If I could go anywhere in the world it would be a toss up between Australia or the Mall of America.
11. I love going camping with my family to our property in Lava even though most people dont consider it camping..... its just luxury camping and I love it that way!
12. I hopefully will have my degree in Elementary Education in 2 1/2 years from now:) I will be so glad to be done with it.
13. I will always try new things... and usually end up liking most.
14. I have never ever saw any ocean.
15. I have never had surgery unless you consider getting wisdom teeth out surgery.

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